Question for you:
In working to build your client pipeline and work with more of the right clients, is your business set up to be a filter…or a pump?
Many business owners make the mistake of not being specific up front about who they serve and what they offer. They want to leave their messaging and copy wide open so they can help any and everyone looking for help…but then end up on consults and scheduling conversations with potential clients who aren’t the right fit - they aren’t ready to start, they’re looking for a different service, or they’re wanting a different price point.
Unfortunately, this usually results in a consult going nowhere and both parties leaving a bit frustrated (and maybe even feeling that the call was wasted time).
To help attract the right people and gently redirect the wrong people, it’s on you, as the business owner, to create and share clear messaging and workflows that help customers understand what you offer and if it matches what they’re looking for from the moment they come through your front door or visit your website.
Here are a few ideas on how to set up your business to be a filter and not a pump, which will help everyone get to what they want faster!
And if help to set up your filters would be useful, I’m here to lend a hand. Options for support or to chat and learn more are here:
Header photo by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash